Well, these pictures came out backwards but didn't feel like deleting them and starting over. The last one is right before I had Colin! The others are at his birthday party! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful happy baby! Colin is doing great! He started taking steps at 11 months and actually started walking at 11 1/2 months. He is very active and gets around very good now! He cracks me up just walking around the house like he knows what he is doing!!! He loves playing with toys and loves the new car Matt and I got him for his birthday! He loves our dog chip (ch as Colin calls him) so cute! He gives the best hugs and kisses ever! I will post more pictures soon! Don't have too much time right now. Stats last time we went to the Dr.: 23 lbs, 30 in long. We go back Thursday and will post new stats then! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Colin is 1!!!!
Well, these pictures came out backwards but didn't feel like deleting them and starting over. The last one is right before I had Colin! The others are at his birthday party! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful happy baby! Colin is doing great! He started taking steps at 11 months and actually started walking at 11 1/2 months. He is very active and gets around very good now! He cracks me up just walking around the house like he knows what he is doing!!! He loves playing with toys and loves the new car Matt and I got him for his birthday! He loves our dog chip (ch as Colin calls him) so cute! He gives the best hugs and kisses ever! I will post more pictures soon! Don't have too much time right now. Stats last time we went to the Dr.: 23 lbs, 30 in long. We go back Thursday and will post new stats then! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Monday, August 31, 2009
One year ago today.....
This is me one year ago. Can't really see a good picture of my belly but Colin is in there and almost ready to come out to see us! I remember this picture actually, and remember how excited I was and couldn't wait to meet my precious Colin. I loved him so much here and didn't think I could possibly love him more when he came out! Boy do I!!! I love him more and more everyday. He is learning so much so fast and amazes me everyday with new things. My most favorite things is when he looks up and just gives me the biggest smile or when he walks/crawls as fast as he can when he sees me coming to pick him up from daycare! I love that he knows me now and will hug and kiss on me. Colin has the best kisses, slobber and all!!! I am going to post pictures soon of his Birthday party! We mostly had just family (we have a large family) and just a couple others!! I will post after Colin turns 1 on Thursday!!! I love you my wonderful husband and my most precious son...... You are the best!!!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Vacation and Colin update!
So we went on vacation to Destin May 16-23! It was so wonderful to get away but the weather ended up being really cold and we only got to go to the beach 1-2 times. We sure did LOVE the shopping and just the relaxation we got! I am posting a few pictures from vacation! Colin had his 9 month check up yesterday! He is soooooooo big!!! hahah He was 22 lb and 29 in long. I didn't get the rest b/c I met Matt and Colin at the Dr. after all that happened! hahah So anyway Dr. Buckle said he is going to be a really big boy!!! and boy do I believe him! He is doing great and getting around really good these days! He is cruising and has stood up 2-3 times without holding on to anything! He still eats baby food levels 2 and 3 and drinks 6 oz of milk about every 4 hours. Sleeping has gotten much, much better since he was sick! He will eat the puffs for a snack. I was a little concerned b/c he couldn't eat food from the table (every time we try he chokes or gags really bad) I talked to Dr. Buckle about this and he said it was normal that he just wasn't ready and that he was plenty big so try about once a week to give him something from the table and see how he does, but not to force the food to him. Well tonight we had waffles and so I thought maybe he could eat a little if I made it really small!!! He did so good and he really loved it!!! That makes me a feel a little better! Hopefully he will start eating a lot more!!! So Matt and I are doing great! We are both working a lot and enjoying our time with Colin in the afternoons/evenings! We love the stage Colin is in but boy can he make you tired!!! hahah! Also we have our house up for sale for any who are interested!!! Teleah Carter has it listed! We love our home and are gonna have Chris build us another one....We plan to do this several times!! So that is what is going on in our neck of the woods hope you enjoy the pictures!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Strep throat, ear infections, pneumonia, and ear surgery all in one month!
Well it has been a little while since I have blogged! A lot has been going on in our world since Easter! Colin wasn't feeling too good on a Sunday so I kept him home from Church and decided I would take him to the Dr the next day to make sure he didn't have ear infections etc...I figured I would just take him into daycare after the Dr.'s appt. Boy was I wrong....He had strep throat and both ears were infected. So he stayed home for a few days and went back later in the week and the Dr wanted us to see Dr Cosby about his ears. Well we took him the next week for that Dr. appt and Dr Cosby said he definitely needed tubes to help his ear infections. So he scheduled the surgery. Well on the following Sunday he woke up yet again with a high fever and very lethargic. He just wasn't himself at all. So I took him to the Dr. office on Monday and I was there at 7:30-they didn't open until 8. I was the third one to sign the sheet and we waited almost 4 hours.(the Dr.'s started using a new computer system that day so it took forever) Well after Colin had to get an x-ray and his finger pricked for blood, Dr. ski came back in to tell us he had pneumonia and laryngitis. To keep him out of daycare until Wed or when his fever went down. Well his fever was down so he went back to daycare Wed. well Wed night he started violently throwing up. Matt and I looked at each other and said, "oh my gosh we need to call the Dr." So I called the nurses line and they said oh that all sounds normal. We didn't think that was very normal at all, so I called first thing the next day and they said to bring him back in, that did not sound normal. So I took him back in and waited about 3 1/2 hours that day and got to see Dr Buckle (our favorite) He spent about 30 min in the room with us explaining many things that we did not know. He also took him off lots of medicine that I wasn't comfortable with him taking in the first place. He gave us a new type inhaler for his breathing treatments because if any of you have ever seen my child, you know that he will NOT sit still for a 15 min (or longer)for a breathing tx. This is so much easier and takes literally on a few seconds. He is so cute when you go to put the mask on, he just opens his little mouth like he knows what to do. It has really helped with not only keeping his asthma under control, but also his acid reflux has improved a little! So he is finally feeling more like himself on Friday (oh by the way Dr. Buckle said we should have left him out of daycare the whole week not tried to take him back). he is scheduled for surgery on Monday for his tubes. We got to the hospital Monday morning at 5:45 wow that was definitely early for me! He was in and out of surgery and he seems to be feeling better than ever! He is back to his old self which we have missed so much! Now for the fun part!!! Colin is doing so much. He is a very very very fast crawler! He knows when we say NO! (he turns and looks at us with sad eyes)! He will give great big hugs when you pick him up. He "kisses" our cheeks!!! his is cruising I think is what they call it! when he stands he can hold on to the table/pack n play and walk around it holding on. He always lets go thinking he can stand there by himself! He loves a bath, he hates lotion and getting his clothes on he would rather be in a diaper only! He loves to play peek a boo! He is never still and wants to be in anything and everything possible! He also loves to unplug everything at our house! He is back to sleeping good (after the rough patch through being sick). And he loves the camera. Every time I turn my camera on it makes a noise and he looks up and gives the biggest smile you will ever see! So that is what all has been going on! We are leaving for vacation Saturday and we can't wait! We are going to the beach! I will take lots of pictures and post when I get back! Have a great rest of the week and weekend!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Long time no blog.....
Hi everyone! I have not posted in a while we have been staying busy around here!!! Colin is growing way too fast!!! But I love to watch all the new things he does! He is crawling like a mad man! starting to pull up on everything he can get his little paws on! He stands up in his bed!!! He can say Bye Bye and wave!!! He can say Mama and da as well as ba ba!!! he is quite chatty! I think he gets that after me!!! haha He laughs all the time and smiles at anyone who will smile at him or anyone who just looks at him for that matter!!! We count our blessings with our little guy everyday!!! He is not sleeping as good these days! He doesn't take good naps unless he is at home or in the car....you can forget it at daycare!! Too much going on there for him to try and rest! He has also been waking up some at night but we are thinking that is due to 2 more teeth coming in for a total of 4!!! They have broke through so hopefully more restful nights are to come!!! He is still spitting up....We hope that will stop very soon! I know he hates it and we do too! But if that is all that is wrong we are thankful and grateful! I will include a few pictures!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I am hosting a Mary Kay party!!!!
Hey everyone! I am hosting a Mary Kay party on March 12 at the Wingate in Columbus. I tried to email everyone or text those who I don't have emails for. It starts at 6 and I hope you will be able to make it!!! Bring anyone you want or just yourself! It should be lots of fun!
6 month check up
Colin had his 6 month check up last Wed. He is doing good and growing way too fast. I know I say that every time I blog. It is so true, he is doing things this week that he wasn't doing last week. He seems to do something new everyday! He was 17 lb 9 oz. 27 3/4 in long. He eats 5 oz and a jar of baby food 4 x a day. He sits up, rolls everywhere and has started the army crawl! His reflux continue to be very bad. We started him on a new medicine yesterday to help with the spitting up. He still has an ear infection which we are treating with a different antibiotic since the last antibiotic did not clear it up. He smiles at everyone and goes to anyone. He LOVES Chip our dog. If he is upset in any way all we have to do is bring chip around and he will be happy! He smiles and laughs at him everyday. He loves to hug us and smile and laugh. How grateful we are for a healthy baby that God so graciously gave us to have and raise. here are a few of the latest pictures I have taken! Hope you enjoy!
Monday, March 2, 2009
hello to all!!! Quick update.....We are doing pretty good around here. Matt has been working a lot and so have I. I still love my job very much and enjoy being around all my little ladies and few men. They def make my day with crazy stories and hearing the same story everyday!!! I love all the girls I work with they are so much fun and brighten my day! Colin has two teeth now!! They are so cute!!! I tickles me when he smiles real big you can see them! He has been a little more grumpy than usual but everyone keeps telling me it is probably him teething. His appetite has been down a little and he just gets a little more fussy when it is time for sleep or eat. Otherwise he is still very happy! He will be going to get his 6 month shots on Wed so I will have to post then for an update on his stats! He is sitting up pretty good. He still falls over if he reaches for something or just looses his balance! He started on level 2 foods! (lots more variety)! He goes to sleep on his own now. When he starts getting sleepy we just go lay him down in his bed and off to sleep he goes! He is on a really good schedule! He has been on it for a while, so it is just what he expects. He eats at 8 am, 12 pm, 4pm, and 8pm gets his bath and off to sleepy world at 9 pm! He usually wakes anywhere between 6:30 and 7:30 in the morning and very happy when he wakes up!!! Please keep Matt and I in your prayers tomorrow as we travel to Memphis for my yearly check up for my hip. Pray for our travel and for everything to continue to look very good!!! I hope everyone has a great week and I will post soon when we get Colin's stats on Wed!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
quick update!
Hello to all! We are doing pretty good around here. We took Colin to the Dr. today. he wasn't acting himself. He is getting 2 teeth in right now and I couldn't decide if that is what it was or not. His reflux has been extremely bad too as well as a persistent cough so I decided to go ahead and take him. Turns out he has a bad ear infection in one ear and the other is infected but not as bad. He was bouncing off the walls, literally, when the dr was in the room so she got to see lots of spit up!!! She said we have got to get this under control!!! So she switched his formula once again. His wheezing(sp) is still bad so she also put him back on breathing treatments. So this was actually a very good Dr's appt hopefully it will all help. I will keep you updated to how he is doing. He has continued to be very happy through all of his sickness I just pray he gets to feeling better. He is so much fun and I love him more and more everyday. I can't wait to see what his teeth are going to look like. He should have these two come in hopefully in another week. The white is showing through right now and they are very jagged(sp)!!! Can't wait to see what the future holds with our little man. Thank God for all of our blessings!!! Have a great rest of the week. P.S. We are selling our house so if anyone knows someone who is looking give them my number guys!!! Thanks!
Monday, February 9, 2009
We are all healthy and doing good! Colin is growing way to fast!!! He is reaching for us, sitting up a little bit! enjoying all foods. Carrots make him have bad dreams, we think....no more carrots! He sure does brighten our days so much. I can't not imagine life without him. What a miracle and blessing he is. If I seem not to get enough sleep it doesn't matter, b/c when I go to wake Colin up for the day and he looks up and smiles at me it makes my day that much better. I have learned to not worry or get upset about the small things in life. If I do that, then that would be wasting precious time I could be having/enjoying with my little one! anyway I hope everyone has a great week! Love to you all! Hope you enjoy the pictures!
This was taken this past Sunday after Church!
Same picture sorry guys!
Our little man loves his bath. Matt puts him on his stomach and he loves to look at himself in the mirror!
He turned to look at me!!! (Colin is saying please put the camera up mommy I am nakey)
Laughing at himself!
Colin laying on DaDa
Me and the big C

Me and my brother on his Birthday!

My dad and Colin

My mom and Colin
Me and my brother on his Birthday!
My dad and Colin
My mom and Colin
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