Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Baby Dedication...
We dedicated Colin Sunday at Church which was a very special and meaningful time for us as a family. Matt's parents came, and his sisters family came, my grandparents, brother and my parents. It was a very wonderful time for us to be able to announce publicly that we as Colin's parents are going to dedicate bringing him to church every week, as parents we will continue to be number one to God first of all, then to each other and then to Colin. I was really getting the last two mixed up. I always thought you were supposed to put your child after God then your marriage. Well it was explained to us last week that you need to continue to have a strong marriage for your children to look up to. If your marriage isn't strong how can you be good parents together???(I am not saying you can't be good parents separately, but together your marriage has to be strong enough to withstand anything especially parenting). So Matt and I both have taken this very serious in that we will be the very best people, be the best examples, and be the most loving parents we know how to be. Also we will continue to seek God for everything and in every situation. well I tried to upload the pictures we took Sunday before Church but the computer is acting strange. I will try again tomorrow!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Colin and Chip got their shots!!!
Well, Well, I will start out by telling about chips shots b/c he went first! Chip is our dog for those who don't know. He is a 5 lb chihuahua which was our child before Colin was born. Well he doesn't take to well to shots, last year when he got them, I had to take him back b/c of an allergic reaction. So this year our vet said she would give him a steroid shot first so he would not break out like last time. She also instructed us to go ahead and start giving him benadryl every 4 hours. So I was thinking surly after all of this he will not react this year. Well it wasn't but about 1 1/2 hours after we got home and our little one looked like a bull dog. His face/snout was so huge and his eyes were almost shut they were so swollen. So I called the vets office back and they said to wait a little longer and see if it wouldn't go down. We had to go and get Colin's shots and 1:30 so I gave him another dose of benadryl before we left and prayed he would not be dead when we got home. He wasn't and he was a little better when we came home to check on him.... He did throw up approximately 5 times and it was sooo gross. Colin did very good with his shots, he of coarse screamed when the nurse gave them to him, but afterwards he was fine. He never got a fever and he didn't even act like his legs were sore. (he is a tough little rascal)!!! anyway glad those are over for now! Colin weighed in at 13 lbs and 5 ozs at 9weeks old. He doesn't miss a meal that is for sure. He is now on a great schedule sleeping until 5:30 every morning! He usually goes down between 9:00-10:30. I couldn't ask for more. The time is approaching for me to return to work:( I am already sad thinking about it. Oh and thanks to all who have been praying for us about a daycare. St. Paul's called today and said they had someone to leave or not come so they could take Colin now! Praise the Lord! God sure does answer prayers! I was totally happy with just making do until Jan. But I think this will be good for him to get into a good schedule. So thanks again for the prayers! That is about all that is going on around here. Matt is about to go back on for his week of working:( How sad, but I have enjoyed him being off with us for a week! I went to B'ham on Sat to a show that my mom and dad were working!Matt kept Colin here(he couldn't miss the Alabama game) ROLL TIDE!!! I had so much fun! I went with a lady that works with my mom and her two daughters. It was a blast! I sure did miss my two favorite men though! I got Colin a couple of things to wear around the Christmas season! That is about all! It was fun to look though!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween pictures!!!
Not to good of a picture, but it shows his whole outfit!
P.S. my grandparents were not pictured but they did get to see him. They were at my parents house, but left to quick for me to get a picture:(
For Halloween we went and saw all the relatives!!! It was so much fun! Colin was so good until he got to my parents house, then he decided to cut up! I think he was just tired of the riding a bit, getting out of a car seat, being held by new people etc.... But Matt and I had a blast taking him to see his great-grandparents and grandparents! Oh and I have kind of a funny/very embarrassing story. I was so excited about Halloween night, our neighbors Nick and Michelle were coming over for a min. to give Colin a little happy!!! and He was sleeping, but it was time for him to wake up, so I went ahead and woke him up so Michelle could hold him a min. well as soon as I gave him to her, she says uh Blair is he leaking??? I was thinking surely not, well he was and he peed all over her. To top it off they were just about to go out to eat because they had company over from out of town. Colin did have a different diaper on than normal, but never the less, I was still very embarrassed. So they left quickly:( and I got Colin out of his pee clothes and gave him a bath, put him in his pumpkin outfit and finished making supper, Stacy, Randy, Tommy and Bailey came over to trick of treat!!! How fun both of them looked so cute! I swear Tommy changes every time I see him and Bailey is getting so big!! Time sure does fly. Anyway, I was so very embarrassed about the pee situation and Nick and Michelle if you are reading this, again I apologize and please come back to see us!!! I will def. change his diaper before you hold him again!!! Some pictures of Halloween night!
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