Sunday, March 2, 2008


Went to the Dr. Friday! Everything looks great! The heart beat was 178 and measuring a little further along than I actually am! In about 7 weeks, or so, I will be sent to Memphis to a specialist to see if the baby has Spina Bifida (what I was born with). If all looks good with the doctors there, I will not have the amniocentesis done. So everyone please keep us in your prayers for good news. Overall, I will not complain. I have had my days of nausea, but I think it could be worse! I am feeling better this last week or so. I have a picture and will try and post tomorrow! My Wonderful Husband took me to Jackson for the weekend for my Birthday:) We had an absolute wonderful time. We stayed with one of my friends I graduated with. She was so sweet and made us feel so at home:) Thank you Alisha for welcoming us in your home! We went shopping and got some new things for the house. We loved looking at baby clothes, but since we don't know the sex of the baby yet we have decided to wait to buy anything until then! Thank everyone for the great advice from the previous post. I am sleeping much better now!!!!

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