Thursday, August 28, 2008

Colin will be here in less than a week (hopefully)

Hello everyone! Matt and I are just about to bust for excitement! I had a Dr. appt today and the baby looks great! He is already measuring 7 lb 5 oz! That is pretty big for 36 1/2 weeks! The Ultrasound lady said he has a head full of hair and yes, he is still a he!!! I am going in Tue at 7:30 for the amnio. They will have to put an IV in and watch me for several hours after he does it to make sure I do ok and the baby does ok. Dr. Otey will know that afternoon if his lungs are ready, if they are, He is going to do the c-section Wed morning!!! I can not tell everyone how ready and excited we are! Please con't to keep us in your prayers and I will keep everyone updated! Oh and I promise I am going to get pictures up tomorrow. My Grandmother and Mom are coming over any minute now to help clean the house up and get everything organized and ready for Colin to arrive! So be checking for pictures of Colin's room tomorrow! Have a great day!!!

1 comment:

Lindsey and Jason Nicholson said...

Hey Blair!
My address is 174 Tanney Hill Caledonia, MS 39740