Thursday, September 13, 2007


I graduated in May of this year with an Occupational therapy assistant degree. With this degree to be a certified therapist you have to take a national board. It has just had me stressed out for about a month. I took my test about two weeks ago and have been waiting to hear the results. Matt called me at work on Tuesday to tell me I PASSED!!! I am so happy and relieved I don't ever have to take that HUGE TEST EVER AGAIN!!!!
Oh and a little update on the pups!!! Chip is coming around it has taken him a little while to adjust to not getting all the attention, but I think he is getting used to it. Salsa on the other hand is an absolute MESS!! He loves Chip and just can't understand why Chip doesn't want to hang out with him. Hopefully they will be the best of friends soon! I sure hope everyone has a blessed rest of the week and weekend.


heatherclardy said...

Congrats! I am so excited for you. I know that it was such a relief to get that behind you. Have a great weekend!

The Murphy's said...

Congratulations!!!! What a great achievement!!

The Wood Family said...
