Tuesday, July 24, 2007

We are "hopefully" moving Saturday!!!

Hello to all, I have been pretty bad about keeping up with the blog page (sorry). If all goes as planned we will be moving into our new house Saturday!!! We have been very blessed to have such a wonderful contractor (Chris Clardy) who has worked so hard to finish our house so quickly. Matt and I heard some terrible stories about building a house, and I have to say it has been a piece of cake! Chris has made this experience really easy and FUN! So if any of you out there are thinking of building a house I would highly recommend Chris as a contractor!
I will not be able to get online for a while until we get the net out at the house, but I will post pictures of the house once we are in it and settled!! I hope everyone has a great rest of the week :o)

1 comment:

Paul, Jennifer, and Taylor said...

Hey Blair I wanna see pictures when yall move in. If Paul and I get Columbus that's where we are thinking about moving. Congrats!!! The house is so nice from what I have seen. Have a great weekend!
Jenn (Smith) Strom